Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What will you do with yours?

Last night DJs, Brand Ambassadors, Sales Reps, Entrepreneurs, Promoters, Label Execs and the like- teamed up, banded together and we showed Jackson what our nightlife could be like on a consistent basis. We showed our community, together anything is possible. We exhibited with out a doubt, "Yes We Can!" The crowd's enthusiasm and participation showed me, "Yes We Can!"

As the night rolled on, the pictures, the video and those documented in them began to say something different. They shouted "Yes We Did!"

Divided we fail.

United we can change not only the face of entertainment, but we can change Jackson, Mississippi. We can make Jackson better. We must not leave it up to the Downtown Jackson Partners or the independent developers.

We must switch our mantra from "Yes We Can" to "Yes We Did" to "Yes We Work!"

Its our responsibility. "My Fellow Americans..." Never have I felt like that stated included me, until now. I feel personally responsible for every citizen living in America, in Mississippi, in Jackson. The President is Black, and its going to take the Black Community to Change this Country, this State, this City.

So, I now pose this question to you- Will you become more informed and stay involved in the political process of your community?

Will you strive to be more socially responsible? 

Barack Obama has done a tremendous amount with his blackness. He has united the American people, the world.

What will you do with yours?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great post! I'm not naive enough to believe that the glass ceiling has been shattered, but I am confident that it now has at least a million cracks in it. It's now our job, we the African American community, this generation -- many of us 6 generations removed from slavery -- to shatter it to pieces by working in concert on a progressive agenda. "Yes We Can!" "Yes We Did!" "Yes We Do!" PEACE